Clarence, New York
Assisted Living & Memory Care

(In progress)



  • Senior Living Consultants

  • Programming and Strategic Planning

  • Interior Design

  • Contract Administration

JSR Associates, Inc. was contacted because of their expertise in senior living programming, planning, and design by Wendell Architects in Buffalo, New York to assist with functional and physical space planning for an assisted living and memory care project for the Brothers of Mercy. The completion of the programming, CON application review, staffing recommendations, and space planning assistance to improve operations lead to JSR being subsequently contracted to complete the interior design (exclusive of FF&E) based upon their knowledge of detailing, impact of contrast and light on elders, meeting acoustical needs, and re-evaluation of operational needs based upon program updates made by the architect with the client. The goal of the project was to complete households and a decentralized service model, which subsequently has been designed as a hybrid between some centralized services and some decentralized.